6 Amusing Wedding Facts

Wedding Facts - 6 Amusing things about Wedding

People nowadays do not even give significance to wedding as a sacred form of commitment. They just go plan their weddings and then after a year or so, they file up a divorce saying they don’t love each other anymore but this is not entirely why people get married.

Weddings are the most important days of all women’s life either for poor or for the wealthiest lady ever born. It signifies the love they have for the man they chose to be with for the rest of her life and most of all, it shows that her journey as a young lady has ended and another phase of her life opens.

Wedding Facts
By: kate hiscock

Wedding should also not be taken for granted because it needs thorough planning. From the venue to the photographer and foods, everything needs to be done bit by bit to ensure that the wedding is perfect. But do you know that there are actually things that might amuse you about weddings?

Here is a list of Wedding Facts you might not common these days but actually true about weddings:

Wedding Facts
By: Faylyne

• Every bride is require to wear something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in her shoe literally symbolizes continuity and optimistic spirit not only for both the groom and the bride but as well as the guest to whom the couple will share the most important day of their lives.

Wedding Facts
By: John Morton

• Wedding rings are originally placed on the third finger of the left hand instead of the fourth because ancient Egyptians believe that the veins in that finger ran directly to the veins inside a person’s heart.

Wedding Facts
By: Amy Clarke

• The veil of the bride traditionally signifies her youth and virginity and before, red blue or yellow veils are commonly used for weddings because it symbolizes the color of Hymen, the Greek god of marriage but nowadays, white are more popular because it is said that it symbolizes purity and wealth as well.

Wedding Facts
By: Beatrice Murch

• Symbolic food have been common to all cultures like throwing of wheat and rice to both the groom and bride because it symbolizes fertility, prosperity and bounty for the newlywed couple.

Wedding Facts
By: Aaron Phillips

• The wedding cake has also a significance for wedding ceremonies because they symbolize good luck and fertility and most often, the groom and bride are asked to kiss over the small part of the cake to strengthen the bond between them.

Wedding Facts
By: Jesse Wagstaff

• During the biblical times, shoes have been a great symbol and badge of authority and power and until now, some are still practicing this where the father of the bride gives a pair of shoe to his son-in-law which represents transferring of authority over his daughter.

These truths have even governed all other superstitious preparations during wedding wherein even other newly wedded couple doesn’t even know about.

Also, if you’re planning to have your wedding at the most romantic place in the whole world, you can choose Mallorca in Spain. It offers the most conducive and idealistic place from wedding ceremony, reception and the perfect place for your honeymoon.


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